Sermons by Jamie Dill


  • Stories 7 - The Lost Coin

    We’ve all experienced times when we’ve frantically searched for something we’ve lost. The truth God wants us to know through this STORY is that we are the Lost Coin and He is like the woman searching to bring us back. We go from being lost to found. Jesus finishes this story the same way he finished the Lost Sheep. We are meant to take notice. God will not stop seeking His children until we are found!

  • Stories 5 - The Big Banquet

    The moment we receive an invitation we have a choice to make. This STORY illustrates the invitation the Bible gives to us all. The servant in the parable who announces the invitation is a picture of Jesus. God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sin and to teach the Good News – everyone who trust in His work on the cross will join in the
    Big Banquet. The ones who make excuses not to come are those who reject this teaching.

  • Zacchaeus
  • Our help comes from the Lord - Psalm 121
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness
  • Put on & Stand Firm in Jesus

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