
Hezekiah - Cover Image

What a commendation about King Hezekiah! During his reign he instituted all kinds of reforms regarding worship and enjoyed great military victories. But what made Hezekiah stand out was his trust in the Lord, the true God of Israel, and his desire to keep His commandments.

However, Hezekiah was still human. Like us he lived in the here and not yet. He was open to attacks, he compromised under pressure and he tried to solve things in his own strength before turning to God. Hezekiah's story is a battle for belief in a time of scepticism and fierce opposition when his kingdom and even his own life hung in the balance.

Ultimately he points us to Jesus, the greater King - the One who left His throne to serve His people and gave His life as a ransom for many so that we can be welcomed and granted safety and salvation.


  • Hezekiah - Crown in Crisis
  • Hezekiah - Higher Throne

    God hears Hezekiah's cry and speaks to him through Isaiah with a song of deliverance. God is the Great Provider who hears His people and answers prayer. He defends the city and strikes down the Assyrians as they sleep.

  • Hezekiah - Praying Potentate
  • Hezekiah - Sovereign under Siege
  • Hezekiah - The Battle for Belief
  • Hezekiah - Regal Reformer

    Meet Hezekiah, who did what was right in the sight of God. Hear about his reforms and his trust in the Lord but also witness how he responds under pressure and the danger this places himself and his people in.

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