Sermons based on Matthew


  • Discipleship - The Call

    14-07-2024 Discipleship - The Call Matthew 4 18 - 22 Jamie McMillan

  • So This is Christmas - The Flight to Egypt

    So This is Christmas - The Flight to Egypt Hosea 11 v 1 Matthew 2 v13-15

  • Why do we need spiritual leadership?
  • Travelling Light - Religion
  • The Next Big Thing After Easter

    The Next Big Thing After Easter Matthew 28 v 17 Trevor Brock

  • Discipleship Pastor Phil Howe Service of Induction

    Discipleship Pastor Phil Howe Service of Induction

  • Salt and Light - PT1
  • Stories 3 - The Unforgiving Servant
  • Stories 2 - The Sower and the Soils
  • Stories 1 - The Wise & Foolish Builders

    Through this STORY of two builders, Jesus teaches us to LISTEN to His Word and APPLY it in our lives. Jesus told this parable at the end of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. He wanted His words to change the way people lived. Every time we read the Bible or hear God’s Word we can either build on the rock (trust Jesus by following His Word) or build on the sand (forget everything we’ve heard).

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